| Table of contents Rev Inv Tec vol.4 no.2 La Paz Dec. 2016 EDITORIAL | | | | García Escalante, Elizabeth | | | PRESENTATION | | | | Flores Morales, Rosa | | | ARTICLES | | | | · Fortune 's algorithm without circle events using InCircle primitive Torrico, Lucio
| | | | · Virtual Education based in Competences Dolz, Fatima Consuelo
| | | | · Learning with ICT in primary andhigh Schools Gallardo Portanda, Ramiro
| | | | · CyberTutors with Role Performance Expertise in Legal Forensic Practices of Ordinary Civil Proceedings Tarquino Peralta, Celia Elena; Limachi Hidalgo, Arun; Quisbert Corina, Herbert Fernando; Aguirre de la Quintana, Kevin Alejandro
| | | | · Incursion of Robotics in Education Tellez Ramirez, Marizol
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