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Revista Investigación y Tecnología
Print version ISSN 2306-0522


Congresso Special Edition National Computer (CCBOL)

Table of contents
Rev Inv Tec vol.4 no.1 La Paz Oct. 2016

 García Escalante, Elizabeth
        · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·  Bienvenid@s al Congreso Nacional de Ciencias de la Computación CCBOL 2016!!!!!
Clavijo Cárdenas, Edgar

        · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·    Algorithmic Thinking Mathematics in Basic Education

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·  Virtual Classroom Learning Educational Units La Paz (AVAUE-LP)

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·  Teaching Learning Process Improvement Tools Applying Google
Aruquipa, Marcelo G; Bertha B, Chávez; Ruth, Reyes

        · abstract in spanish | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·    The implementation ofthe Digital Signature in Bolivia  
Medinaceli Díaz, Karina Ingrid; López, Eugenio Gil

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·    The space ofwomen in the academic and research area ofthe University of San Andrés
Dolz Salvador, Fátima Consuelo

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·    A Historical Introduction to RSA crypto system
Loomis, Paul A

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·    Academic Process Automation Mode Graduation with BMP in the area of Science and Technology ofthe Amazon University of Pando
Lazcano Balanza, Juan Gabriel; Fernandez, Humberto

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 ·  3D Video Game History Pandina Amazon
Yanahuaya Arce, Alex; Flores Patty, Alvaro Jhonny; Chao, Ruddy

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 ·  Teaching Programming and Construction of Robots with Lego Mindstorms applied to ev3 Township High School Students Cobija
Acho Callizaya, Efrain; Patty Magne, Javier

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 ·  Tactile model oftranslation Android based on Genetic Algorithms, Tabu Search and hybrid methodologies for writing in Braille to ink his expression Phonological
Osco Flores, Carlos Alberto

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 ·  Visual automatic fire detection through the Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Support Vector Machine
Cota, A.; Cusi, E.; Escobar, C. R.; Orellana, F. K.; Rodríguez, P. R.

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 ·  Sign Language Translator with Electronic Glove and Android Application
Torrejón Tambo, Marco Antonio

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 ·  Computer Forensics
Flores Flores, Iver; Vargas Peña, Leonardo

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 ·  Self-assessment, peer assessment and hetero for ajob Competence in Computing Careers
Ureña Hinojosa, Claudia

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 ·  Web application to determine the influence ofmathematical Knowledge in college career
Melendrez Alaro, Cintia; Heredia Poma, Javier

        · abstract in english | spanish     · text in spanish     · pdf in spanish
 ·  Method for Software Deployment Order
Condori Rodríguez, Ariel Richard

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