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| García Escalante, Elizabeth |
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| · Management method discrepancies in requirements engineering Huanca, Germán
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| · Competences for the permanent learningwith the use of TIC Morales R, Menfy; Huanca Q, Carmen; Casilla G, Rene
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| · Heuristic algorithm for partition problem Torrico, Lucio
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| · Data-Text Mining and Construction Datawarehouse for formal charges incrimes against Public order Tarquino Peralta, Celia Elena
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| · Diagnosis of ICT infrastructure ofpublic schools inprimary and secondary schools ofthe city o/La Paz Gallardo, Ramiro; Terán, Jorge
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| · Competences for the permanent learningwith the use ofTIC Llanque Quispe, Eufren
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| · Evaluation ofthe quality ofonline courses Beltrán Villalta, Cesar
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| · Usability Aspect Oriented Programming Orihuela Sequeiros, Nancy; Alcon López, Rubén
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