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Revista SCientifica
Print version ISSN 1813-0054


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SCIENTIFICA vol.15 no.2 La Paz  2017

 ·  Alcohol, tobacco and drugs consumption in textile workers in the valley of the Chillos-Ecuador, 2017
Andino Morillo, Verónica Dayanara; Gómez García, Antonio Ramón

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 ·  Incidence of adverse eñects to drugs (reported) at the Hospital de Clínicas La Paz- Bolivia during the month of april 2017
Velarde Zegada, Ariel Oliver; Terrazas, Adriana; Villanueva, Neper; Milena, Vilca; Torrico, Mayra; Valdez, Ignacio

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 ·  Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of arteriovenous fístulas of patients with chronic kidney disease stage 5, Bolivar-Venezuela
Muñoz-Medina, Carlos E; Mendoza-Rondón, Kristy P; Orozco-Rodríguez, Indira D

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 ·  Epidemiology of occupational accidents in Ecuador based on the Social Security database in 2014 - 2016
Gómez García, Antonio Ramón; Merino Salazar, Pamela; Tapia Claudio, Oscar Manuel; Espinoza Samaniego, César Eduardo; Echeverría López, María Alejandra

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 ·  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder prevalence in Trainees of medical school in Asuncion - Paraguay
Ocampo Rojas, Sebastián Joaquín; Díaz Rodríguez, Nelson Fernando

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 ·  Acute transverse myelitis associated acute reactivation of Chagas disease on a HIV patient
Dorn Angulo, Mauricio; Tellería Garnica, Lola Camila

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 ·    Congenital junctional ectopic tachycardia. Case report
Burgoa-Vargas, Javier Agustín; Cruz-Arias, Ruben Julio; Llanos-Pari, Rianet; Bravo-Serrano, Juan Antonio

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 ·  Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS:: an overview
Rios-González, Carlos Miguel; Verón-Mellid, Fabiana Griselda

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 ·  Día mundial de la Tuberculosis: de las aulas a los pacientes
Moreno Sierra, Thalia Lizeth; Bados Enriquez, Diego Mauricio

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 ·  Colombia's postconflict: Impact on health and research after peace agreement with Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army
Nati Castillo, Humberto Alejandro

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