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    Educación Superior - Revista Científica de Publicación del Centro Psicopedagógico y de Investiganción en Educación Superior

    Print version ISSN 2518-8283


    NAVIA PEREZ, Jhonny. The educational taskfacing the technological transformations. Edu Sup Rev Cient CEPIES [online]. 2018, vol.4, n.1, pp. 41-53. ISSN 2518-8283.

    Abstract The current educational models applied in higher education, tend to an education centered on the person, this implies a dynamic process in which the student has an active participation in their learning. All this allows that the tics in the educational field should be absorbed by students for their better assimilation to learning and have the teacher, facilitator or guide relate their learning to the experience through the use of new computer technologies and other resources so that you stay in your significant learning. The article refers to the use of technologies to improve student learning through Interaction (sharing infor-mation between teacher and students) using the computer. The research shows as a result an assimilation of learning through the use of the computer in different work sessions.

    Keywords : Inter-learning; educational technology; educational process; ICT; innovation model.

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