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    Educación Superior - Revista Científica de Publicación del Centro Psicopedagógico y de Investiganción en Educación Superior

    Print version ISSN 2518-8283


    ECHEVERRIA GARCIA, Sulma. Tic to strengthen the communicative reading competence of adolescents with Asperger syndrome. Edu Sup Rev Cient CEPIES [online]. 2018, vol.4, n.1, pp. 19-21. ISSN 2518-8283.

    The differences exist, we are all different and that is a reality. Human coexistence is sought by accepting differences and is often referred to as "inclusion" in all social spaces. The school, is assigned as the place responsible for including students who present Special Educatio-nal Needs (SEN), they are understood as the need to use methodologies different from the usual in the Teaching Learning Process (PE-A). This is the case of many adolescents with Asperger syndrome who are integrated into the regular schools of the city of La Paz. The syndrome is unknown to most teachers who have a diagnosis in the classroom. These students have their own, different way of processing in-formation and for those who, with adolescence, are born the need to reinforce reading communicative competences, being this one, among many, of the aspects that prejudice their educational inclusion. Therefore, the teacher's work must go beyond the traditional curricular adaptations that are not signifi-cant but can be permanent. Then, to give answers to the individual learning characteristics of students diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, it has been found that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in PE-A strengthens reading communication skills . Undoubtedly, this fact challen-ges the more traditional conceptions of teaching with the classic models of learning that govern the classrooms of regular education in Bolivia; while indifference and lack of information rule, jobs like this can become useless.

    Keywords : Asperger Syndrome; Information and Communication Technologies (Tic); Communication Competences; Educational Inclusion.

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