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    Educación Superior - Revista Científica de Publicación del Centro Psicopedagógico y de Investiganción en Educación Superior

    Print version ISSN 2518-8283


    ZILVETTY TORRICO, Miguel Angel. Digital divide around the educational curricular video:: the teacher in front of the university. Edu Sup Rev Cient CEPIES [online]. 2018, vol.4, n.1, pp. 11-18. ISSN 2518-8283.

    Abstract The contribution of the work is to discover the data of the production of curricular educational videos made by teachers of subjects that make careers and faculties of the UMSA, a situation that generates a digital divide with respect to the university students who do use educational videos on their own, autonomous , through the internet, as auxiliary tools in their learning processes. Despite knowing the importance of information and communication technologies in higher education, teachers do not contribute to the production of audiovisual materials linked to the subjects they implement in the careers where they work. Their main obstacle is the lackof motivation and the age that for them becomes a limitation or generational gap. While teachers do not upload audiovisual curricular tools to the internet, this will continue to be a space with the presence of au-thors from other countries, who contribute to higher education but from other realities. Teachers, for the most part, need to change their attitude and willingness to face this new challenge, because it is difficult to suc-ceed with a virtual training proposal, if teachers are not convinced of the quality and effectiveness of these modalities mediated by virtuality. Given the evidence of the digital divide between the nonexistent production of curricular educational video and the high demand that this resource makes for university students through the Internet, the need to take positive and real action to solve this gap is clear. work to close it.

    Keywords : Educational video; curricular educational video; digital divide; information and communication technolo-gy; higher education; teachers elaborate educational videos; internet.

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