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Educación Superior - Revista Científica de Publicación del Centro Psicopedagógico y de Investiganción en Educación Superior
Print version ISSN 2518-8283
FLORES SERNA, Antonio Félix. Cognitive and procedural assessment of the rotating intership of the medicine career Universidad Mayor of San Andres. Edu Sup Rev Cient CEPIES [online]. 2017, vol.3, n.1, pp. 14-27. ISSN 2518-8283.
Abstract The activities carried out by a medical intern are considered a pre-professional practice. They are developed in a "real" context, that is to say, students in their sixth year complete their training with real patients. During this period, the interns continue to gain both knowledge and experience. The research aimed to identify the characteristics related to the cognitive and performance levels, of the interns belonging to the Medical School at UMSA during the year 2015. The proposed design was quantitative, longitudinal observational, and analytical research. The applied methodology included two moments during the information collection process: in the first phase of the research, 8 students were monitored during 2015 and 64 clinical records were reviewed; 8 records per intern in their Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology internship programs. The rating on an acceptable medical history corresponded to an only 31.25%, in others words, 1 out of 3 medical histories were appropriate. The second part of the investigation involved a written test of 100 multiple-choice questions: 20 questions of them linked to a certain specialty e.g. Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology - Obstetrics and Public Health. 137 interns out of 256 took part in the test. Only 7.3% passed the test (10 out of 137), which would mean that only 1 out of the 10 participants passed the exam. Therefore, the proposed research met its objective, since it managed to identify and highlight the presence of a very marked gap between the ideal purposes sought by the Medical School curriculum and the professional's end product achieved at the medical career.
Keywords : cognitive knowledge; medical history taking; performance quality.