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    Educación Superior - Revista Científica de Publicación del Centro Psicopedagógico y de Investiganción en Educación Superior

    Print version ISSN 2518-8283


    CHAVEZ SALAZAR, Victor Hugo. Information security model development in virtual educative environment. Edu Sup Rev Cient CEPIES [online]. 2016, vol.1, n.1, pp. 15-30. ISSN 2518-8283.

    Abstract The field of the security of the information is a discipline that is responsible for protecting the integrity and privacy of information stored on a computer medium that is why there are various components, standards, controls, and procedures internationally recognized. The model identifies six phases where to apply techniques, methods, criteria and fit components, standards, stages, controls and implementing procedures to optimize the security of the information in educational virtual environments. This work presents the process of developing a model of information security in educational virtual environments of higher education which is an analysis of security of information, and other concepts that predominate in the analysis and design of the model.

    Keywords : Information security; components; standards; controls; procedures; methods; virtual learning environments.

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