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    Revista Investigación y Tecnología

    Print version ISSN 2306-0522


    GALLARDO PORTANDA, Ramiro. Learning with ICT in primary andhigh Schools. Rev Inv Tec [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.2, pp. 21-26. ISSN 2306-0522.

    Abstract The problem of learning with ICT that addresses this article is how the teachers of schools and colleges ofthe Educational Units ofour environment are trainedin the use ofICTas a learning tool through trainingprograms in ICT dependent on the Ministry ofEducation. We address the problem by relating the se programs to the levels of ICT competence that teachers should achieve according to UNESCO. It also relates the levels of competence with the available ICTtools that the teacher can incorporate into the classroom.

    Keywords : internet; teacher; ICT.

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