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Revista Institucional de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación Investig@ UMSA
versión impresa ISSN 2220-7139
VALDEZ ORTEGA, Rodrigo. DESIGN ALOW COST RADIOLINK FOR THE INSTITUTO DE ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA. Investig@ UMSA [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.1, pp. 51-65. ISSN 2220-7139.
The present work is a study ofthe standard IEEE 802.11, with the aim ofdesigning a low cost radio-link for the for the applied electronics Institute (Instituto de Electrónica Aplicada), to enable the complete communication between two local area networks (Office- La-boratory) ofthe Institute. By having full disclosure, we will achieve: goodproject manage-ment and coordination, sharing different network resources (scanner, printers), file and data transfer, VoIP, Video Conferences. Unlike the standard high-cost technologies, Nets IP wireless IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi), applied commonly in local area have an ample diffusion and low cost. Taking advantage of this option is possible to modify the characteristics of the equipment and implement long-range networks. The methodology consists first determining the network requirements, then determines the appropriate path link pro-files based on field. Subsequently we calculate the link to evaluate network equipment required, network configuration and the feasibility of the communication. Finally to verify the theoretical design, a simulation on Mobile Radio and preliminary tests ofthe link sec-tions. Study results revealed that the capacity required for voice transmission and data it is 3079, 2 Kbps. Finally, to verify the theoretical design, Simulation, and preliminary tests ofthe link showed the maximum capacity ofthe net was 11 Mbps guaranteeing by farthe correct functioning ofthe net.
Palabras llave : IEEE 802.11; Net; VoIP; video conference; radio link; capacity.