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vol.14 issue65FILM PRODUCTION OF HUGO RONCAL ANTEZANA (1923-2005)LECTURAS EN ÉPOCA DE LA PANDEMIA COVID-19 author indexsubject indexarticles search
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    Fuentes, Revista de la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

    Print version ISSN 1997-4485


    OPORTO ORDONEZ, Luis. REYNALDO PETERS ARZABE (1946-2020); EMILIA TERESA JULIA CURRÁS PUENTE (1927-2020). Rev. Fuent. Cong. [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.65, pp. 108-111. ISSN 1997-4485.

    Two personalities, one Bolivian and the other Spanish, died in March 2020. The first, Reynaldo Peters Azabe, politician, Minister of State and lawyer, rose to international fame for having written a Habeas Corpus on toilet paper, which was the only writing material he found in his cell as a political prisoner at the time of the dictatorship by Gral. Hugo Bánzer. This masterpiece of constitutional law was registered as Memory of the World. For her part, Emilia Currás, a Spanish chemist, documen-talist and informatologist, contributed her theory of informationism in Archives, ahead of time, in the application of computer systems in document management.

    Keywords : Reynaldo Peters Arzabe; Emilia Curras; Biographies; Archives; Memory of the World.

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