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    Fuentes, Revista de la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

    Print version ISSN 1997-4485


    NINA LOPEZ, Fabiola Carla. PHOTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVES AS SOURCES FOR HISTORY. Rev. Fuent. Cong. [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.64, pp. 94-102. ISSN 1997-4485.

    In this section we present our readers with an important selection of works, albums where photography is the protagonist of the historical narrative, in which we highlight the role of important photographers such as Willy Kenning, Rodolfo Torrico Zamudio, Enzo De Luca, and historians such as Rodolfo Pinto Parada, recently deceased, Pedro Querejazu, Pilar García Jordán and Santusa Marca, thanks to all of them we discovered a Bolivia from our cultures like the Guarani, from our battles like the Chaco War and from each of our regions that have seen progress arrive based on the struggles and the passing of the times. In the same way, we make a brief analysis of the history of photography as such and how it has survived techniques, supports, color and has become a silent witness capable of stopping time with a single "click".

    Keywords : Photography; History; Still Image; Photographics Archives.

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