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vol.14 issue64TRIBUTE TO THE GERMAN ANTHROPOLOGIST JÜRGEN RIESTER (1941-2019) AND THE DOCUMENTARY OF BENI RODOLFO PINTO PARADA (1940-2019) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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    Fuentes, Revista de la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

    Print version ISSN 1997-4485


    OPORTO ORDONEZ, Luis. DIALOGUES FROM THE PREHISPANIC WORLD WITH THE PRESENT: MARÍA CARMEN BEATRIZ LOZA VIDAURRE (1962-2019). Rev. Fuent. Cong. [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.64, pp. 80-90. ISSN 1997-4485.

    A portrait that reflects the life and intellectual work of Carmen Beatriz Loza Vidaurre, a postgraduate historian in France, whose studies deal with the pre-Hispanic world, its articulation with the colonial world and its projection to the present, in a fruitful dialogue of knowledge and scientific disciplines. She was a notable cultural manager and expert in UNESCO's heritage programs.

    Keywords : Carmen Beatriz Loza; History; Demography; Quipus; Traditional Medicine; Cultural, Intangible and Documentary Heritage; UNESCO.

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