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    Fuentes, Revista de la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

    Print version ISSN 1997-4485


    PAZ NOMEY, José Luis. Spiritual conquest, evangelization and destruction of divinities in Chiquitos (xvi-xviii centuries). Rev. Fuent. Cong. [online]. 2016, vol.10, n.43, pp. 06-22. ISSN 1997-4485.

    Summary The official and traditional historiography for a long time, had obscured the historical memory of nations and native peoples of Bolivia; this product of evangelization, mestizaje and colonial mentality that have been subjected to these groups, making them forget much of its pre-hispanic past. In this research it is to know the early history of Chiquitos and development process of spiritual conquest, evangelization and destruction of chiquitas divinities between sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, which was conducted by the Jesuits among members of this human group, located in the lowlands of our country.

    Keywords : Chiquitos; Spiritual conquest; Spiritual races; Marian Congregations; Witchcraft.

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