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Revista Ciencia y Medicina
versión impresa ISSN 1816-2908
MARISCAL DELGADILLO, Miguel A; LIZARAZU QUISPE, Oscar; CRESPO ZAMBRANA, Olivia y MALDONADO MOLINA, Yasmll D. Clinical manifestations of systemic erythematous lupus in the Hospitable Complex Viedma. Period 1993-2003.. Ciencia y Medicina [online]. 2005, vol.6, pp. 12-14. ISSN 1816-2908.
SUMMARY Systemic erythematous lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause, very variable that can jeopardize any organ or system. It affects mainly to feminine sex in pro-portion of 9 to raised objective 1. Los in the study were to identify in patients with systemic erythematous lupus, his more transcendental clinical manifestations, to describe the age group and sort jeopardizes more. A cross-sectional descriptive study took place, during the period of 1993-2003, according to criteria of the American College Rheumatology. The most frequent manifestations in patients with systemic erythematous lupus were arthritis, anaemia and linfopenia. Half had antinuclear antibodies and eritema to malar.
Palabras llave : Erythematous lupus systemic; etiologic. Erythematous lupus systemic; clinical.