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vol.8 número3Origen temprano de las enfermedades: evidencias de la relación entre la exposición in útero a contaminantes atmosféricos y la salud post-natalInventario de emisiones de fuentes móviles con una distribución espacial y temporal para el área metropolitana de Cochabamba, Bolivia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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    Acta Nova

    versão impressa ISSN 1683-0789


    OLLER CRUZ, Oscar Javier. Use of bioindicators to determine air quality in Tarija city in sampling points of MoniCA network. RevActaNova. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.3, pp. 307-321. ISSN 1683-0789.

    The possibility of using active bio monitoring with Vicia faba, Raphanus sativus and passive bio monitoring through mapping lidien in the city of Tarija has not been considered to this date. This type of monitoring is carried out in other cities of Bolivia; but with different climatic and geographical conditions, so its feasibility in Tarija's territory is unknown. These type of studies are considered an economic alternative with an easy application compared to traditional monitoring process, which could be established as a preliminary study for air quality in smaller cities within the department. Being a subjective study and to be subject to external variables, it has been decided to carry out a comparison with recorded data by the Air Quality Monitoring Network (MoniCA Network).

    Palavras-chave : Bioindicator; Air Quality; Tarija.

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