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vol.8 número2Sistema de detección y monitoreo permanente por imagen de incendios y contaminación atmosférica en la ciudad de CochabambaCambio climático y vulnerabilidad en la seguridad alimentaria de las familias de Caico, Provincia Cercado de Cochabamba índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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    Acta Nova

    versão impressa ISSN 1683-0789


    HERBAS BAENY, Estela et al. Assessment of the social environmental vulnerability of the dairy sector of La Maica (Cochabamba) facing the climate change. RevActaNova. [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp. 229-251. ISSN 1683-0789.

    Currently the environmental problems that are linked to the meteorological phenomena have been dramatically increased due to the climate change, primarily the ones related to floods and/or droughts, these put the agricultural and livestock productivity in high risk; this is the case for the milk productivity sector in La Maica, located in the peri-urban zone in Cochabamba. As a consequence of the climate change there are limited water availability and soil salinization, therefore the final result can be seen in the low forage production putting in hazard the livestock food safety. This research measured the magnitude of the risk factors that the milk production of La Maica is exposed, also the social environmental sensitivity of this sector and the answer capacity or current resilience of the milk producers through the primary information such as interviews to sector leaders, milk community surveys and direct observation. Finally, some strategies were proposed in order to strengthen the social environmental resilience of the milk productivity sector in La Maica facing the probable events due to the climate change establishing its current incidence upon this vulnerability of the sector and taking into account some suggestions of the involved actors taking as a starting point the development of the participative social construction workshop; in the end the aim is to accomplish the social and communication empowerment of the strengthening strategy to the social environmental resilience of the milk sector in La Maica facing the climate change in order to achieve the productive sustainability and the food safety within the region.

    Palavras-chave : Climate change; vulnerability; risk; milk productivity sector; adaptive capacity.

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