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vol.8 número2Evaluación del riesgo y medidas de mitigación para eventos de inundación en el Municipio de Santa Ana Del Yacuma (Beni, Bolivia)En busca de alternativas de alimentación frente al cambio climático: estudio preliminar del impacto nutricional del Nostoc en estudiantes de primaria de la comunidad de Putucuni, Cordillera del Tunari, Quillacollo, Cochabamba-Bolivia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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    Acta Nova

    versión impresa ISSN 1683-0789


    GARCIA F., Willman; DELFIN S., Mirko  y  AZERO A., Mauricio. Scenarios of climate change and systematization of peasant technologies and technological innovations against frost. RevActaNova. [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp. 186-204. ISSN 1683-0789.

    Frost both globally and locally result in significant crop declines or losses in highly profitable crops such as fruit trees and annual food security crops, affecting the peasant family economy. To counteract the impact of frost there are passive methods that are widely used locally for their low cost and active methods that are used in other countries. However, local and external experiences demonstrate that it is convenient to combine both methods for better control and or mitigation of frost. The climate change scenarios for the study area in Tiraque, Aiquile and San Benito, at Cochabamba department, show that there will be an increase in temperature which would result in a decrease in the risk of frost in the areas of analysis, however this does not match the analysis of the frost frequency that shows that in the last 25 years the frosts increased.

    Palabras llave : frost; climate change; climate change scenarios; risk.

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