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    Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales

    versão impressa ISSN 2409-1618


    HUAYCHO CALLISAYA, Hugo; MALDONADO FUENTES, Casto  e  MANZANEDA DELGADO, Fernando.   Control of the cocoa bug (Monaloniondis simulatum Dist.) With application of bioinsecticides in the Yungas region of Bolivia. RIIARn [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.1, pp. 31-39. ISSN 2409-1618.

    ABSTRACT The cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) in the Tropical North region of the department of La Paz has a high potential in terms of development, quality and adaptation to Amazonian conditions, to the fact that this crop acquires importance and is a productive alternative for this region (July and Somarriba, 2010). Also the north of La Paz (Yungas) is characterized by organic production in cocoa and recognized to be able to export to other countries with added value. Cacao yields in these producing areas suffer considerable damage from the so-called cocoa bug (Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.) Which causes damage to the cocoa ear. Therefore, the research was mainly directed to the control of bedbug in the cocoa cultivation and focused on an organic production, evaluating the degree of effectiveness of three bioinsecticides based on; Soliman (Hura crepitans), Mountain garlic (Gallecia integrifolia), dehydrated tobacco (cigarettes) applied on plots affected by this pest The efficacy of the three bioinsecticides had a variation, Where the wise of solimán (forest tree) was the best control of bug presenting a nymphal phase incidence of 14.3% and in adult phase of 9.82%thiscomparison ofthe control withoutbioinsecticide, which presented incidence in nymph phase 55.2% and adult 28.9%. Also the number of cobs that died due to bites ofthe cacao bug in the Witness had more number of dead cobs at the rate of 7 cobs per tree, on the other hand in the treatments where Solimán was used, there was a few number of dead cobs bitten by cocoa bugs of 3 cobs per tree, being the most effective in the control of this pest.

    Palavras-chave : Cultivation of cocoa; organic insecticides; Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.

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