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vol.2 número1Rendimiento y contenido de proteina de la quinua (chenopodium quinoa willd), en cinco fases fenológicas, bajo cuatro niveles de incorporación de estiércolElementos nutricionales en la producción de fertilizante biol con diferentes tipos de insumos y cantidades de contenido ruminal de bovino - matadero municipal de La Paz índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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    Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales

    versão impressa ISSN 2409-1618


    BARRIENTOS LLANOS, Harold; DEL CASTILLO GUTIERREZ, Carmen Rosa  e  GARCIA CARDENAS, Magali. Functional analysis of growth, biomass accumulation and translocation of dry matter eight vegetables grown in greenhouses. RIIARn [online]. 2015, vol.2, n.1, pp. 76-86. ISSN 2409-1618.

    ABSTRACT In order to analyze the functional growth of eight vegetables inorganicproduction system thisresearch was performed in a greenhouse at Pampahasi district in La Paz city. The study had duration of 6 months (January to June, 2014) in 3838 msnm. The vegetables studied were chard, beet, onion, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and carrot. A single substrate composed by peat, black soil, fine sand and black soil with sheep manure, fertilized with worm humus was used. The results indicated that each vegetable differ in their development due to the different nutrient assimilation. The photosynthetic efficiency is result of leaf area, total biomass and dry biomass accumulated during 120 days. The most important rate obtained was Net Assimilation Rate (TAN by its Spanish acronym) that explains the assimilation of dry matter and the average photosynthetic efficiency per effective surface unit. The maximum values of TAN obtained were 0,112 g. cm-2día-1 for chard, 0,179g. cm-2día-1 for beat, 0,012 g. cm-2día-1 for onion, 0,159 g. cm-2día-1 for spinach, 0,254 g. cm-2día-1 for lettuce, 0,198 g. cm-2día-1 for cucumber, 0,171 g. cm-2día-1 fortomato, and for carrot 0,094 g. cm-2día-1. Another rate that was evaluated is the Relative Growth Rate (TRC by its Spanish acronym); it expresses the crop growth in terms of efficiency as producer of new material depending on the total photosynthesis and respiration. The values obtained for this rate are 0.293g.g día-1 for chard, 0,272g.g día-1 for beet, 0,253g.g día-1 for onion, 0,448g.g día-1 for spinach, 0,313g.g día-1 for lettuce, 0,102 g.g día-1 for cucumber, 0,152g.g día-1 fortomato, and 0,256g.g día-1 for carrot.

    Palavras-chave : Functional growth analysis; Biomass; Dry matter.

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