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vol.2 número1Análisis de diversidad genética de las razas colombianas de maíz a partir de datos Roberts et al., (1957) usando la estrategia Ward-MLMCompostaje alto andino, suelo vivo y cambio climático índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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    versão impressa ISSN 2072-1404


    SOTO, José Luis et al. Payments for Agrobiodiversity Conservation Services (PACS) andits Interlinkages with Colective Action and Property Rights (Case study: quinoa). CienciAgro [online]. 2010, vol.2, n.1, pp. 208-220. ISSN 2072-1404.

    This study aims at evaluating the potential of "Payment for Agrobiodiversity Conservation Services" (PACS) schemes in facilitating the conservation of agricultural biodiversity and in strengthening the livelihoods of poor farmers. Moreover, we assess the degree to which the innovative concept of PACS can draw upon, support and complement local practices, rules and institutions of collective action and property rights that are included in farmer systems for managing and using agrobiodiversity. This study draws on a range of methodologies, as framed field experiments, structured interviews with key informants and the implementation of a pilot conservation tender in quinua cultivating communities in Peru and Bolivia. Based on the results from this study we will develop a PACS framework .to provide national policy makers with a decision-support tool that will facilitate conservation and livelihood improvements within the context of national biodiversity conservation strategies.

    Palavras-chave : quinoa; landraces; conservation tender; PACS; Peru and Bolivia.

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