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    Revista CON-CIENCIA

    versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265


    QUISPE, SERGIO  y  FLORES, ANDRÉS. Luminol test to Blood samples detection in Forensic investigation. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq. [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp. 83-91. ISSN 2310-0265.

    Abstract Investigation blood stains at the scene of the crime have become an essential bio-logical elementwhen solving legal investi-gations. In our study we examined the Luminol test to establish their sensibility and efficiency with different degree of interfer-ence, different support, time, storage con-ditions and old stains in the Forensic Biol-ogy Laboratory from Forensic Investigations Institute, La Paz. In general terms the Luminol testwas notaffected in the different temperature, time and storage conditions we used. Samples which had been sub-ject to washings with chemical detergents conditions could be affected the blood detection. The sensibility we found was high 1:100.000 dilution. Luminol testwas fundamental to blood stains detection and their investigation about different difficult conditions.

    Palabras llave : Luminol; Blood stains; Chemiluminescence; Haemoglobin.

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