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    Economía Coyuntural

    Print version ISSN 2415-0622


    ARANCIBIA ROMERO, Cristina; MACAS ROMERO, David; OJEDA MONTERO, Dayana  and  CASTRO RUALES, Leonel.   An approach to social progress index in Ecuador. Revista de coyuntura y perspectivas [online]. 2017, vol.2, n.1, pp. 2-29. ISSN 2415-0622.

    Abstract: The most challenging situation that Latin America is going through is related with the construction of a new society able to satisfy its inhabitants' basic needs surrounded by a suitable socio-economic context while strengthening their capabilities. This research is an application of the methodology designed by Social Progress Imperative to estimate the Social Progress Index for Ecuador in 2006 and 2014, using Life Conditions Surveys disaggregated by income levels. There is a strong evidence of a real social progress within Ecuadorian society, and it is necessary to make a deep analysis to understand how this progress becomes real in each income level. The results show that regardless of the income level progress is happening, and further analysis needed to clarify some of the findings.

    Keywords : Progreso social; bienestar; necesidades humanas básicas; oportunidades; equidad.

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