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    Revista Investigación y Tecnología

    Print version ISSN 2306-0522


    URENA HINOJOSA, Claudia. Self-assessment, peer assessment and hetero for ajob Competence in Computing Careers. Rev Inv Tec [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.1, pp. 111-117. ISSN 2306-0522.

    Abstract The evaluation is one of the most complex process in the field of education, this has been studied from different paradigms; but all the studies emerged that evaluation must be seen transversally; therefore, self evaluation, co evaluation and hetero evaluation are the key ofthe measurement. In this paper I will raise a form of integration of the three kind of evaluation looking a cross assessment and analysis of student responses to the evaluation, discussing how much confidence we can be with the correlation of evaluations and proposing the integration ofthe three kind of evaluations.

    Keywords : Accreditation; Computer-managed instruction; Computational science and engineering education; Measurement; Accreditation; Computer-managed instruction; Computational science and engineering education; Measurement.

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