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    Revista Investigación y Tecnología

    Print version ISSN 2306-0522


    TORREJON TAMBO, Marco Antonio. Sign Language Translator with Electronic Glove and Android Application. Rev Inv Tec [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.1, pp. 99-104. ISSN 2306-0522.

    Abstract Today people have great difficulty to communicate with the deaf-mute people, since these people with this disability have a sign language with which they express what they want to say, but most people do not know this language sign. This project aims to help people with hearing disabilities creating a movement sensitive electronic glove, interpreting the alphabet the most important signs usedwith a single doll by private people talking. This project is aimed to establish communication between hearing impaired and the rest ofsociety. This project other than to translate hand signals made by a disabled per son also the recipient can answer even ifyou do not know sign language through an application for devices with android operating system. With this project we can have a convenient, fast and anywhere conversation with anyone from Bolivia.

    Keywords : Android; Arduino; Sign language; Sensor; Flexion sensor; display.

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