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    Revista Investigación y Tecnología

    Print version ISSN 2306-0522


    ACHO CALLIZAYA, Efrain  and  PATTY MAGNE, Javier. Teaching Programming and Construction of Robots with Lego Mindstorms applied to ev3 Township High School Students Cobija. Rev Inv Tec [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.1, pp. 72-78. ISSN 2306-0522.

    Abstract In the framework of the Scientific Olympics student initiative Engineering Career Systems Amazonian University of Pando, in doing robotics courses aimed at high school students in the municipality of Cobija arises, but it is unknown what the variables involved are the teachingprogramming and building robots with Lego Mindstorms EV3, the goal of descriptive research is to describe the variables involved in the teaching of robotics with lego, one ofthe main results is the socialization and information through workshops a1 0 units educational municipality of Cobija, another result is the development of a tutorial based projects and challenges for robotics course with lego. In the process of teaching the analytical method it was applied using this method described variables such as: content, teacher, student, tool, environment, teaching materials. The result ofthis research, in the description of the variables involved in aprocess of teachingprogramming and building robots with lego tool will start to new ideas, goals and questions to be solved in the process of teaching robotics in the town of Cobija.

    Keywords : educational robotics; programming; lego Mindstorms; variables; projects; Challenges.

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