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    Revista Investigación y Tecnología

    Print version ISSN 2306-0522


    YANAHUAYA ARCE, Alex; FLORES PATTY, Alvaro Jhonny  and  CHAO, Ruddy. 3D Video Game History Pandina Amazon. Rev Inv Tec [online]. 2016, vol.4, n.1, pp. 67-71. ISSN 2306-0522.

    Abstract the Blender and Unity tools used in the development of 3D video game to carry out this project. The Blender software was usedfor the modification and design ofthe characters and 3D object was used in the 3D video game. Unity software used for 3D video game development in both design, sound, animation, effects and programming in object-oriented C # language with MonoDevelop editor.

    Keywords : videogame; character design; techniques entertainment.

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