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Revista de Actualización Clínica Investiga

Print version ISSN 2304-3768


VARGAS BURGOA, Oscar Alexandro. REGENERACION Y CICATRIZACION. Rev. Act. Clin. Med [online]. 2014, vol.43, pp. 2256-2260. ISSN 2304-3768.

In different tissues and organs of human body there are mechanisms that are responsible for the regulation of their functions, as in the process of healing, repair and regeneration. Therefore, after a reversible injury, the return of damaged cells in the tissue attacked is known by the term regeneration, which maintains the standard functions and morphology of organ and tissue, as had been being intact. Meanwhile, scarring the response to severe tissue aggression, having lost the ability to renew cells with pre-injury characteristics, leaving in its wake, or loose fibrous tissue that does not have cellular or organ function affected tissue. These mechanisms are mediated by a series of chemical signals, responsible for remodeling and cell migration responsible for the repair or healing of injured tissues.

Keywords : Healing; Regeneration; Tissue repair; Healing; Fibrosis.

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