ISSN 2415-2250


The articles should be sent to the following mail adresses:

Standards for articles to be accepted

Main requirements
Call for papers (New)

The documents must be original and failure to appear in another publication mechanism or undergo another parallel publication. Every document may be submitted in Spanish or English.
Documents must have a minimum length of five pages and a maximum of thirty-five (including graphs, tables, appendices and references), with Times New Roman No. 12, 1.5 line spacing, 3.00 cm. margins on all sides (see instructions for contributors). or
Institute of Economic and Social Research ‘José Ortiz Mercado'

Receipt of documents is open throughout the year; however, the following deadlines for publication purposes are as follows:

Deadline for receipt

Dates of publishing

January 31th

January-June[No. 1]

June 30th

July- December [ No. 2]

Instruction for Contributors

• Economic issues and social studies will be published, with contemporary implications, mainly those topics affecting in short terms or documents related with outlook scenarios.
• The Works must have a minimum length of five pages and a maximum of thirty-five (including graphs, tables and attachments).
• It is recommended to limit the use of footnotes.
• Other instructions: 1.5 cm. of spacing, Times New Roman, 3.00 cm. margins on all sides.
• If tables or graphs are contained, they must be sent as an attachment (MS Excel).
• The documents are subjected to a critical review by experts.
• The bibliography should be cited in APA format (American Psycohological Association).

Papers/ articles:
Gurvich, E., Vakulenko, E., & Krivenko, P. (2009). Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in Oil-Producing Countries. Problems of Economic Transition, 52 (1), 24-53.
Book chapter:
Hughes, A. (2008). Fiscal Strategies Post-Thatcher in the UK: an Interpretation. In SJ Neck R (Ed.), Sustainability of Public Debt. MIT, Cambridge.
Working papers:
Manasse, P. (2006). Procyclical Fiscal Policy: Shocks, Rules, and Institutions-A View from MARS. IMF Working Paper 06/27 (Washington: International Monetary Fund).

Recommended structure for articles
Abstract (maximum 150 words)
Review of relevant literature
Data analysis/Results

Process to evaluate and approve articles:

When the article is received, it is immediately sent by the editors to a member of our International Board in order to be evaluated. If the reader considers making some suggestions or asking for modifications, the author is notified and a due date is settled to re-sent the article modified according to the readerĀ“s evaluation.
The evaluation and approval follows the modality “double blind”, in order to keep in reserve the identity of the author and of the reader. This also avoids possible interest conflicts for the periodical. At the bottom of every article appear the initials of the person that has handled the article, as well as the dates of reception and of final approval.
The criteria for the evaluation are related to the originality of article, the academic standards, relevance, methodology and the supporting literature.

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© 2017  Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Financieras
Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales ‘José Ortiz Mercado’ (IIES-JOM)

Módulos universitarios. Módulo Nº 211(118), Sala 3
Teléfono de oficina: (00-591-3) 3 55 67 55
Santa Cruz- Bolivia