ISSN 2309-3153 online version


Scope and policy

«Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria AD ASTRA »
Revista del Centro de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación,Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca, Sucre, Bolivia
ISSN 2309-3153 (on-line)

ADASTRA is a scientific and multidisciplinary journal with anonymous peer review and a semi-annual publication. The journal is open to different  publications in all fields of science.

Manuscript types and preparation

The following types of manuscripts are received:

Original Articles
Original articles are manuscripts with original research. The following headings are recommended:
Introduction: The authors must define the problem and give an update on the existing knowledge on the subject under study. You should try to be understandable even by people without specific knowledge on the topic treated.
Materials and Methods: The authors must be as accurate as possible, so other researchers can repeat the work.
Results: The authors must present the most important results arising from their study. This section has to highlight important observations, without repeating all the data presented in tables or figures. Do not mix the presentation of the results with discussion.
Discussion: The authors must interpret and explain the results obtained on the basis of the problem presented in the introduction section and observations obtained by other authors in related work.  Try to emphasize new and important aspects that brings their work. Do not repeat in detail data already showed at the results. Explicit  agreement or disagreement of their findings and their limitations, comparing to other relevant studies identified from the respective references.
Conclusions: Authors must present conclusions arising from the analysis of the results. These must answer the objectives proposed.

Original articles should not exceed 3000 words (excluding abstract, references and notes), up to 6 figures or tables and up to 40 references.

Articles should present the following in both languages Spanish and English: title, abstract at the beginning of the manuscript with a maximum of 350 words and 3-10 key words at the end of the abstract.

Reviews should describe and analyze the results of recent and relevant publications in any field of science, highlighting future directions or recommendations.
The recommended review structure includes: introduction that emphasizes the main subject, methods for selecting articles, results, discussion and conclusions.

Reviews should not exceed 6000 words excluding abstract, references and notes, up to 100 references and up to 6 tables or figures.

Reviews should present the following in both languages Spanish and English: title, abstract at the beginning of the manuscript with a maximum of 350 words and 3-10 key words at the end of the abstract.

Case reports
Case reports describe cases with special interest due its low frequency, rare presentation or relevant data presented.

Case reports should not exceed 1500 words excluding abstract, references and notes, up to 20 references and up to 3 tables or figures.

Manuscripts considered case report should present the following in both languages Spanish and English: title, abstract at the beginning of the manuscript with a maximum of 200 words and 3-10 key words at the end of the abstract.

The assay may be expository or persuasive, but focused on a particular topic. The essay must be presented in a clear and logical order, and should be supported with evidence.

Essays should not exceed 2000 words excluding references and notes and up to 40 references. This type of manuscript does not require an abstract.

Review of books and other published material
These kind of manuscript must present comments on recent publications of books, multimedia material, exhibitions or films developed or presented either in Bolivia or abroad.

The manuscript should not exceed 2500 words. This type of manuscript does not require an abstract.

Opinion Articles
Manuscripts should emphasize a result of recent research, but not only discuss the work of the author himself. It must describe the context of the findings in the field or explain the potential significance of analysis and not just present a summary of the results of the items discussed.

Opinion articles should not exceed 1000 words excluding references and notes, up to 20 references and one table or figure. It is accepted a maximum of two authors. This type of manuscript does not require an abstract.

Letters to the Editor
Usually this type of manuscript present a critique to a publication in the same journal. The letter will be redirected to the author of the revised article, which will have 4 weeks to respond; after the answer no further correspondence will be accepted. Letters will be reviewed by the editorial board or sent to peer review.

The manuscript should not exceed 1000 words. This type of manuscript does not require a summary.

All references, including web pages (URLs) must be submitted in the VANCOUVER format. It is recommended to include updated references (preferably more than 70%  published in the last 5 years). It is recommended the use of any citation manager software (Zotero, EndNote, Reference Manager, or others).

For each figure the following information should be included: Figure number (numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals - ie Figure 1, 2, 3, etc.); Short title of the figure in the top (maximum 20 words); detailed legend (up to 300 words).

Note: It is author(s ) responsibility to get permission (copyrights) to reproduce figures and tables that have been previously published.

Each table should be numbered and cited consecutively in Arabic numerals (ie Table 1, 2, 3, etc). The tables also must have title (at the top) that summarizes the contents of the entire table with a maximum of 20 words. It should include a detailed but concise legend explaining the necessary features to facilitate understanding.

Tables must be submitted at the end of the document. Very large tables can be sent in a separate document as supplementary material.

Review process

Ad Astra apply anonymous peer review process. To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer review the identity of the author(s)s and reviewer(s) as must to be preserve. This implies that the author(s), editor(s) and reviewer(s) have to confirm that the text is according to that.
All manuscripts are peer reviewed on the following basis:
- Originality and contribution to the science
- Novelty and validity of the topic presented
- Theoretical background and methodology
- Consistency in the analysis
- Ability to communicate information to readers (grammar and style)

Usually the documents submitted are evaluated by two or more experts. The reviewers determine the possible situations:
- Publishable: The manuscript was accepted as it was sent.
- Requires Review: Article requires minimal changes. It will be accepted after such changes have been made.
- Re-evaluated: The manuscript requires some work. The authors need to send a new version of the manuscript and it has to be send for a new round of review.
- No publishable: The manuscript was not accepted for publication in the journal, either because it is considered that lacks quality or because the subject does not match the focus of the journal.

Reviewers also should report any inappropriate behavior to the authors as plagiarism or unethical behavior.

Submission of manuscripts

Ad Astra provide two methods for submitting manuscripts:

Method 1 (Recommended): Requires prior registration in the journal. To start sending the document should follow these steps:
1.-Registration on the website of the journal (
2.-Log in the journal and select "Author" option in "PERSONAL AREA" and select the option: "Start a new submission" (
3.-The following information will be required at the time of submission of the document on the web page platform:
- Section: Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Essays, Book reviews or other published material, or Letters to the Editor Opinion Articles
- Complete information for each author
- Complete information about the manuscript

Method 2 (Alternative): You can send your manuscript directly to:
Editor in Chief - Ad Astra Scientific and Multidisciplinary Journal

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Licencia de Creative Commons
Ad Astra by Centro de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación - Universidad Mayor Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License

  Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca - Bolivia

Editor en Jefe - Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria Ad Astra
Centro de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación - Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca - Bolivia
Rosendo Villa # 150, Sucre - Bolivia
Teléfono: (591-4) 6440887